FHWA presents the 11th edition of mutcd
On December 19, 2023, a final rule adopting the 11th Edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways—the MUTCD—was published in the Federal Register. The new MUTCD includes a number of updates to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and all road users.
The MUTCD 11th edition reflects changes in how Americans travel since the last update of the manual over a decade ago. It also streamlines processes and makes permanent a number of traffic control device applications that previously required special approval. The new MUTCD includes pedestrian safety enhancements such as the rectangular rapid-flashing beacon and crosswalk marking patterns that are proven to be more visible. The updated MUTCD supports USDOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy, which adopts a multi-layered approach with the ambitious goal of zero deaths on the nation’s roads.
Come learn more about the updates from FHWA's New Jersey Division MUTCD Coordinators!
Speaker Bios
Alan Huff, Safety Specialist, Federal Highway Administration
Alan joined FHWA in 2023 as a Safety Specialist after serving over 10 years at the South Jersey Transportation Planning Organization as a Program Manager and Senior Transportation Planner. Alan has a Master of City and Regional Planning from Rutgers University.
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