The Philadelphia chapter of the PSPE would like to list the following event in the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia August and September Monthly Events Calendar:
is a Pennsylvania PE License Renewal Year
Don’t get caught without required PDH credits
PSPE Philadelphia Chapter, on behalf of Chapter, Region and State, will be conducting a Continuing Education BootCamp on September 18-19-20, where Attendees may earn up to the FULL 24 PDH credits required for license renewal. Details are still being developed, current draft at:
$100 for 8 PDH, $160 for 16 PDH, $200 for 24.PDH
BootCamp will be held LIVE at Drexel University and Zoom Simulcast for those beyond driving distance
The Philadelphia Chapter is now seeking Presenters. Topics desired include ALL fields of Engineering, as well those pertaining to Ethics and Ethical Practice.
Please place on your calendar and share with colleagues.
Please send inquiries to