Electrical Power Systems Reliability Analysis
Cost: No Charge for members. Registration is required.
Speaker: Gabriel Paoletti, P.E.
Abstract: This presentation will provide an overview of an approach, based on the IEEE Gold Book Standard for determining the Reliability of Electrical Power Distribution Systems for Industrial, Commercial, Government, Healthcare and Institutions.
Topics to be included are:
1)Electrical Single-Line Diagrams Overview
2)Reliability Model
3)Reliability Series Device Calculations
4)Reliability Parallel Device Calculations
5)Overall System Reliability Calculations
6)Comparison of Various Design Models
This presentation can serve as a refresher and or an introduction to reliability of power distribution systems.
NOTE: PDH certificates are available and an evaluation form will be emailed to you after the meeting. PDH certificates are sent by IEEE USA 3-4 weeks after the meeting.
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